Do i need to buy an external sound card for mac
Do i need to buy an external sound card for mac

do i need to buy an external sound card for mac

But the preamps in the Id 14 need more power than its little brother, so the Id 14 has a separate power brick and the Id 4 does not. The main different between its smaller brother the Id 4, is the quality of the preamps. I’ve used one on a pc (not a mac) and it performs fairly stable. The sound card has an optical input, which a lot of sound cards lack. That said the Fast track pro performs quite well for its price. That said sure whenever you need to record 12 or 24 channels of audio simultaneously firewire has proven more reliable because of the bus architecture, but in this case no difference.

Do i need to buy an external sound card for mac drivers#

There was so much different pc hardware the drivers weren’t very supportive. The problem wasn’t firewire, usb, or the electronic parts in the device but the drivers to communicate. Their devices use to seem to always work well on macs but for lots of pc people there was nothing but trouble. Audio manufactures could use top quality parts in a device and then make lame drivers that either cause trouble or could actually affect the quality of the sound.Įxample is (there getting much better) Motu. That'll be Apple's biggest hurdle in terms of adoption. Now, the problem is with drivers for ARM.

do i need to buy an external sound card for mac

For external audio cards, firewire or usb the biggest difference is in the drivers. Sound cards aren't super high bandwidth like a GPU, so it'll probably be just fine on USB. These days in firewire vs usb for sound cards is pretty dead. /rebates/3ft3d412214&.com252fshowthread.

do i need to buy an external sound card for mac

Is there any benefit or drawbacks to the USB vs the Firewire units?

Do i need to buy an external sound card for mac