Religion is bullshit george carlin youtube
Religion is bullshit george carlin youtube

religion is bullshit george carlin youtube

The leaders and followers of these religions will claim that their religions are true and correct, but they are just ignorant fools. This idea that god is a petty, vengeful, being who wants nothing more than to punish us for doubting him - that is simply a load of crap invented by religions to keep people from questioning the religion.All religions are just made-up theories that were invented by humans throughout history. He would respect and appreciate people who question things and seek evidence. I would think that an intelligent god would appreciate and respect people who use their "god-given" brains. He would understand that as intelligent beings, many humans will question his existence and he would not punish us for using our brains and seeking truth. In fact, if god is so intelligent, he won't expect anyone to believe in him. If god is such an intelligent being, he won't unfairly punish people for not worshiping him. The only valid belief is to accept that we don't know anything about how the universe began, so there is no point in following a religion that lies to us and claims to know about the universe and god. Leaders and followers of religions are are all posers - claiming to know everything, but actually knowing nothing.

religion is bullshit george carlin youtube

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) Comedian George Carlin, a counter-culture hero famed for his routines about drugs and dirty words, died of heart failure at a Los Angeles-area hospital on Sunday, a spokesman said. Some type of higher power MAY have started the universe, but no one knows anything about that higher power, or if it exists at all. George Carlin JThank you George, you will be missed by many. The truth is that every god of every religion was simply made humans. Every religion attempts to invent a god, and every religion claims to know who god is and what his intentions are. Though I am doubtful of the existence of god, I am not against belief in god.I am against organized religion, and its attempt to spread lies and to deny science. The Bible is simply a fairy tale and it's about time people starting using their brains in regards to The Bible and other religious texts. Common sense and a basic familiarity with the laws of nature tell me that many things in The Bible are scientifically impossible. Though I find the traditional concept of god hard to believe, I cannot rule out the possibility of some type of god (since religious people conveniently made god an invisible being who cannot be detected and exists outside of all that we know.again, very convenient).

religion is bullshit george carlin youtube

If you do that and you still think religion is a good thing.well, then you are not truly absorbing the information and you need to think harder. this is the type of shit you expect from an office temp with a bad attitude.In between you and me, in any decently-run universe this guy would be out on his all-powerful ass a long time ago" Click here to see the You Tube link from George Carlin- Religion is Bullshit.Every human owes it to themselves to at least watch the videos and read the arguments on this blog. A Tribute to the late GEORGE CARLIN (1937-2008) George Denis Patrick Carlin was an American stand-up comedian, actor, social critic, and author. 28% of Americans even go as far as to say that religion is "largely old-fashioned and out of date." Like George Carlin said, "results like these do not belong on the resume of a supreme being. The latest poll finds that the percentage of American who believe that religion can solve all or most of today's problems has reached an all-time low. This downward trend is undoubtedly due to the fact that our nation is in a recession and no matter how religious Americans are, their problems are not going away. This is a big change from three years ago when Americans were nearly split on the question. According to a new gallup poll reported by USA Today, two-thirds of Americans think religion is losing its influence on U.S.

Religion is bullshit george carlin youtube